Meditation Techniques and Types

Over the last several years, I have explored many different schools of meditation and various types of meditation practices, including:

  • Spiritual Meditation – Which incorporates components of silence, prayers, and self-control, and aims to build a deeper connection to the Divine.

  • Mindfulness Meditation – Which aims to expand happiness by enhancing self-knowledge and understanding.

  • Movement Meditation – Which is a meditation involving physical movements such as walking, yoga, dance etc.. (this is a type of meditation I have found myself particularly drawn to)

  • Focused Meditation – A meditation practice where you pay undivided attention to an object or an imaginary light while meditating and learn how to calm the mind amidst the chaos of your daily tasks and hectic schedule.

  • Visualization Meditation – Similar to guided imagery techniques, this form of meditation encourages you to imagine a mind-soothing picture, for example, the open sky, a lush meadow, or a calm river stream. As you commit more and more to the serene image in your mind, the aim of this practice is to let your pent up emotions and negative thoughts wash and fade away into the picturesque landscape you are visualizing.

  • Chanting Meditation – This meditation practice includes repeating ‘mantras’ or words linked to happiness, gratitude, self-love, compassion, and inner peace. Regular chanting of these phrases will help you cultivate positive energy and experience greater wellbeing at your very core.

Kitty Schur