Women's Conferences to Attend in 2020

1. Financial Women’s Association International Business Conference — February

Join colleagues, industry leaders and partners in government and finance for engaging panel discussions and networking opportunities. The International Business Conference takes place in a different country every year; in 2018, it was held in Tokyo, Japan. 

2. Catalyst Conference — March

For 30 years, the Catalyst Awards have recognized exceptional efforts that help advance women in business. Over the years, the Catalyst Awards Conference has brought together experts from around the world to share knowledge and shape the dialogue about inclusive leadership and other critical factors related to women and workplaces around the globe. 

3. NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women — March

The NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women recognizes corporations and nonprofit organizations that have moved women into top executive positions and created a culture that identifies, promotes, and nurtures successful female professionals

4. WIN Summit — May

In partnership with Columbia University, WIN Summit hosts hundreds of professional women as they gather to learn, engage, and grow through the negotiating skills and experiences of educators, executives, business leaders, and glass-ceiling breakers. 

5. Working Mother: Men as Allies — May

Working Mother hosts an annual Men As Allies Summit that highlights success stories from pioneering gender equity programs from some of the biggest companies in the country. Male/female leadership pairs discuss what it took to bring more women into top leadership roles and speak frankly about the challenges they had to overcome. The conference also emphasizes the perspectives of women of color to deepen everyone’s understanding of leadership and open more doors for all women.

6. DiversityInc — May

Join more than 1,000 attendees for the opportunity to learn, network, and build business relationships with key leaders of companies that have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

7. Ellevate Network: Mobilizing the Power of Women — June

This full-day conference will feature some of the brightest minds in business and diversity for inspirational discussions that will lead to clear takeaways about what you, as an individual, can do today in your career, your company, and your life to create change.

8. NAFE Women’s Leadership Summit — June

How do you develop your confidence in difficult situations and make your mark in the world? The NAFE Women’s Leadership Summit is power-packed with practical opportunities to elevate the confidence of women within organizations and develop important tools to advance next-level career goals, exert influence, and make a substantial impact. 

9. Forbes Women’s Summit — June

The Forbes Women’s Summit will bring together 300 multigenerational innovators, entrepreneurs, and influencers for a dynamic exchange about the most important issues of our time, with the mission of translating their ideas into action that will chart the course for the future. It will celebrate the doers and the doing as a source of inspirationand support that connects and empowers women around the world, helping them to realize their potential and reach new heights.

10. Network of Executive Women Leadership Summit — September

 The Network’s popular NEW Leadership Summit offers in-depth learning, networking, inspiration, team-building, and career advice for advancing your career, growing your organization's business, and transforming the industry.

Learning sessions are designed for emerging and mid-level leaders, senior executives, and men who lead women. The NEW Summit features all-star keynoters, breakout sessions for leaders at every level, special events like our Celebrating Excellence Awards honoring our regional volunteers, and networking with 1,200 consumer-products and retail-industry executives and emerging leaders.

11. Texas Conference for Women — November

The Texas Conference for Women is a nonprofit, nonpartisan leadership conference for women of all ages and backgrounds. The first annual conference was held in 2000 in Austin, Texas. The conference features leaders across industries, including speakers such as Reese Witherspoon and Dr. Brené Brown.

12. Pennsylvania Conference for Women — October

The Pennsylvania Conference for Women is a non-profit, non-partisan, one-day professional and personal development event for women that features dozens of renowned speakers sharing inspirational stories. The conference features seminars on the issues that matter most to women, including health, personal finance, executive leadership, small business and entrepreneurship, work/life balance, branding and social media marketing, and more. 13. Grace Hopper — September

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is the world's largest gathering of women technologists, offering events and panels for attendees at all career levels.

14. Women in Construction — October

This program features a full day of panel discussions, presentations, and interactive breakout activities covering key issues.

15. INC. Women’s Summit — September

Join some of the world's most influential entrepreneurs at the Inc. Women's Summit, where you'll connect with other business owners, hear inspirational stories, and learn valuable tactics you can use in your own company. 

16. Bullish Conference — September/October

This is a career conference for women who want to make the world and the workplace better. Attend events like a roundtable on sexism in the workplace followed by champagne. GetBullish and the Bullish Conference have been bringing it since 2013.

17. Working Mother Leadership Summit for Women in National Security Careers — December

This full day of inspirational speakers, self-examination, group discussions, and action planning is a unique opportunity for women in national security careers to come together to learn, grow, and explore. You will hear presentations by multigenerational leaders of diverse identities who share how they achieve leadership through resilience at every level. This highly interactive day offers time to network, partner, and acquire new strategies and solutions to achieve career success.